Saturday, January 12, 2008

Welcome to Running For Wine 2008

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank all of you for committing to this endeavor. Not everyone understands what it takes to run and drink your heart out. I'm here to say that by the end of this training period, not only will you be prepared to run a half marathon successfully, but you will also be able to drink all of your competitors under the table. I promise. We'll need to stick by each other after the excitement of the early weeks of training wear off and the hot summer months zap our enthusiasm. If we can make it through August being able to run 7 miles AND drink half a bottle of wine in one sitting with only a buzz, it'll be downhill towards October 18th. So lace up those running shoes, sharpen your cork screw, and get ready for Running for Wine 2008!

1 comment:

Andrea said...

girls im working on the drinking part right now in seattle/portland and am still sore from running last week.

in other words: i cant wait!!!